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Earlier News
February, 2022, The Ye group published a review article on hybridization and self-assembly behavior of surface immobilized DNA in Aggregate.
November, 2021, The Ye group moved back to the Biomedical Sciences and Physics building, which finally reopened after a year of closure.
August, 2021, Yichen Li, a graduate student from the MBSE program, joins the group.
July, 2021, Qufei and Yehan's work on DNA origami imprinting is published in ACS Applied Nanomaterials.
September, 2020, Rambod Rezayan, a new graduate student, joins the lab.
August, 2020, the Ye group said goodbye to the Science and Engineering building and moved to the brand-new BSP building.
August, 2020, A new DOE grant supports the Ye group and their collaborators to develop new strategies for programmable self-assembly of DNA hierarchical structures at solid surfaces.
March 19, 2020, the Lab is shut down per CA Governor's Stay-at-Home order to combat COVID-19 pandemic. The Lab plans to write up manuscripts during the shutdown.
July, 2020, After more than three months away, group members are returning to the lab.
May, 2020, Tao received UC COVID-19 seed funding to develop nanosensors for virus antigen detection.
March 19, 2020, the Lab is shut down per CA Governor's Stay-at-Home order to combat COVID-19 pandemic. The Lab plans to write up manuscripts during the shutdown.
February 24, 2020, Zach showed nanosensors research to Congressman Jim Costa as the congressman toured the electron microscopy facility at UC Merced.
February, 2020, Group’s work on surface seeded self-assembly of DNA origami is published in ACS Nano.
February 12, 2020, Qufei successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Single Molecule Manipulation and Visualization of DNA Biosensor Surface”. Congratulations!
February, 2020, Group’s work on surface seeded self-assembly of DNA origami is published in ACS Nano.
November, 2019, Group bids farewell to Huan. He is starting a new job at Intel.
October, 2019, Paniz won the second-place prize and Melissa won the third-place prize in the CCBM (add a hyperlink to Open House Poster Session!
October, 2019, Paniz won the second-place prize and Melissa won the third-place prize in the CCBM (add a hyperlink to Open House Poster Session!
August, 2019, Congratulations to Paniz for passing her Ph.D. candidacy exam!
August, 2019, Congratulations to Paniz for passing her Ph.D. candidacy exam!
June, 2019, Devanshu Kumar and Josh Marquez started to work in the lab as summer interns.
September, 2018, the Ye group, working with the Martini group, received a $485,000 grant from National Science Foundation for developing super-resolution atomic force microscopy that can characterize DNA biosensor surfaces at the nanometer to subnanometer scale.
August, 2018, Group celebrates Alex and Angel’s accomplishments in the summer and bids them farewell.
​May, 2018, Melissa won a CCBM fellowship.
May 2018, Congratulations to Yehan, Melissa and Warren for passing their Ph.D. candidacy exams.
Jan 2018, Vianna Martinez joins the lab as an Undergraduate Researcher.
Dec, 2017, Paniz joins the Ye group.
Nov, 2017, Zach wins a MACES fellowship. Congratulations!
Nov, 2017, Melissa wins a CCBM fellowship. Congratulations!
Sept, 2017, Zach finishes his internship at NASA Ames. Here is UC Merced news coverage of his internship experience.
May, 2017, Yehan and Warren join the Ye group.
Dec, 2016, Tao wrapped up his sabbatical at Cornell.
Sept, 2016, Melissa Goodlad joins the group as a new graduate student. She will be working on biosensing using nanoparticle assemblies.
June, 2016, Tao start his sabbatical leave in Cornell University. But the lab is busy with influx of new people. Zach, an incoming student, will start to work on a research project. Delmar will be working in the lab as a summer undergraduate researcher.
June, 2016, Gary won a Best poster award at the Gordon Research Conference on Bioanlytical Sensors held at Salve Regina University, congratulations!
May, 2016, Gary defended his thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Abel!
Dec, 2015, Dr. Huan Cao from UCLA will join the research group as a postdoc researcher.
Sept,2015: Group bids farewell to Dr. Xian Hao, who will move on to another research position in Paris.
Aug, 2015: Qufei Gu, a new graduate student, joins the research group.
Aug, 2015: With Prof. Gang-yu Liu from UC Davis, Tao co-organized the Biochemical Ligands at interfaces symposium at the Fall ACS meeting in Boston.
June, 2015: Here is the press release of the NASA grant.
The TV interview by KSEE 24. A radio interview by Valley Public Radio.
May, 2015: Tao is part of a team that received a $5 million center grant from NASA to develop nanomaterials for energy and sensing in space explorations. With NASA support, the Ye group will help develop novel biosensors to monitor crew health during space missions.
April, 2015: Gary won the Graduate Dean's dissertation fellowship, Congratulations.
July, 2014: Tao has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
June, 2014: Our paper on covalent and sequence-specific surface functionalization of long DNAs has been published in the themed collection of Scanning Probe Studies of Molecular Systems.
June, 2014: There is a lot to look forward to this summer. Joel Heisler starts his work on surface transcription here as a rotation student. Chad Drexler, a summer REU student from University of North Florida, will work on single molecule fluorescence.
May, 2014: Our group received an NSF grant to study self-assembly of DNA nanostructures using single molecule techniques.
May 2, 2014: Jingru defended her Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Shao!
April, 2014: Dr. Xian Hao joins the group as a postdoctoral researcher.
Dec, 2013: Our group received an NSF EAGER grant to study DNA on dynamic surfaces.
Dec, 2013: Gary won School of Natural Sciences Dean's Distinguished Fellowship. Congratulations!
June,2013: UC Newsroom reported Eric's trip to Sacramento to visit CA lawmakers. He and student representatives from other UC campues showcased their research efforts and the importance of graduate education in innovation and discovery.
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